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2023-2024 Stats!

We are so excited to bring you the 2023-2024 Clover Leaf Midwifery practice statistics. These statistics reflect our SECOND full year serving our fabulous families!

We had quite the slow year July 2023-July 2024... only 27 people came into care for the entire year. Which, admittedly is why I've taken so long to get these out there for you all. But we already have that many due through March 2025!! So next years STATs are going to be wild!

Betwixt July 01, 2023 and July 01, 2024; We had the honor of caring for twenty-seven, incredible families and SEVEN of these families came into care after 34 weeks!

24 Total Vaginal Deliveries between home & hospital births (88% vaginal delivery rate!)

3 Total Cesareans - 2 primary, 1 repeat (11% cesarean rate)

15 home births - 6 primips (having their first baby); 9 multips (having a subsequent baby)

  • 1 GDM: Mom was diagnosed with gestational diabetes but maintained a great diet and exercise that kept her numbers in a healthy range and was able to deliver safely at home. We carry glucometers with us so we can monitor glucose for those babies after birth (or even for a baby who is "too small" or "too big" for gestational age).

  • 1 Shoulder Dystocia: No gesational diabetes diagnosis, but had a previous baby who she was told had a shoulder dystocia also. Baby required a light resuscitation of a few inflation breaths and had great APGAR scores, without need for transfer!

  • 1 primary VBAC

  • 5 water births - Not everyone plans a water birth, but there were a few who went a little too quickly and wound up not getting the tub filled in time!

  • 0 sutures! This does not mean that there were zero tears, just slight 1st degree lacerations that didn't require suturing.

  • 55% home birth rate

12 hospital births - 3 intrapartum transfers and 9 antepartum transfers

  • 1 planned hospital birth - prenatal care only

  • 1 planned hospital induction for gestational diabetes

  • 1 planned hospital birth for gestational hypertension GHTN

  • 1 planned home birth after cesarean, transferred during labor for mod-thick MSAF

  • 2 elected inductions for postdates pregnancy, both were over 41.5 weeks

  • 2 intrapartum transfers - 1 for prolonged 2nd stage & 1 maternal exhaustion

  • 2 positive spontaneous release of membranes without onset of labor at term

  • 2 Pre-term Pre-labor Release of Membranes (PPROM - literally the worst)

  • 44% total transfer rate but only 11% intrapartum transfer rate

ZERO Postpartum and Newborn transfers!! Check out some of the cutest little toes we've printed and peep those ADORABLE little Pumpkin Feet!!

Closing thoughts and sage advice from this old midwife, if something is compelling you to look into midwifery & home birth, please do it sooner rather than putting it off until the end of your pregnancy. Building a solid relationship with the midwife of your choice will only increase trust, client-provider bond, likelihood of staying home, and overall having a great experience no matter the outcome.

Late to care transfers hold such a special place in my heart and should we have the space for you in the month you're due, we will take you! But unfortunately the rates of antepartum and intrapartum transfers increase for those folks, so please lock in your favorite midwife as soon as you can to enhance your connection with your provider and have enough time to prep for your birth.

Midwives in the area have also been booking up QUICKLY, so to ensure that you can be cared for by your favorite practice, please reach out as soon as you can! If you're interested in hearing more about this, please drop a comment and let us know!

Before you leave, please enjoy a few snapshots through our humble year!

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