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Are You High Risk?

Updated: May 24, 2023

One of the ways we determine whether we are able to treat you is based on your past and current medical and obstetrical history. In fact, we complete a risk assessment with you to ensure we are properly equipped to provide the care you need. Clover Leaf Midwifery adheres to Florida Law & Rule ( So with certain situations pertaining to your history, we may need to jump through some extra hoops, but let’s talk about some of the common reasons people worry will “disqualify” them for a home birth.

Vaginal Birth After Caesarean

Also known as VBAC, comes up quite often. While we do have to be careful after multiple, consecutive cesarean births, or special scars, we are happy to care for persons planning a home birth after cesareans. We will absolutely discuss the specifics of your previous deliveries to get a full picture of the ‘whys and ‘whens’ but encourage you to explore your options. Anyone desiring delivery at home in Florida will need to consult with a Maternal-Fetal-Medicine specialist, however the midwives with Clover Leaf Midwifery, as well as many other community birth practices in the area, have established great consulting relationships and will guide you through this extra step. It’s helpful to look into midwifery care while planning a VBAC because even though certain considerations could indicate that a hospital delivery may be the best plan, midwifery care is extremely helpful in teaching you how to advocate for yourself as well as the personalized care that provides you with the best tools for achieving a positive birth outcome in the hospital.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes is still within our scope as long as it is well managed through diet and exercise. We recommend eating well and exercising as a general rule and is one of the ways you can maintain a low-risk pregnancy. There are many factors that can lead to this diagnosis and we will always do what is best for the health of baby and birthing person as well as following evidence based protocols for maternal-fetal-medicine consultation and follow-up testing, within the scope of our law.

Advanced Maternal Age

Also known as AMA is very common nowadays and does not mean you are inherently “high risk”. While we and the medical community do notate this in your records, it is not a singular reason to rule out the possibility of a home birth. Advanced maternal age does change some recommendations throughout care, including additional ultrasound monitoring and/or induction of labor at 39 weeks gestation. However, with everything, we will provide these recommendations along with a complete informed consent, to give you the tools to make an informed decision regarding your care.


This is on a case by case basis and may take extra research, more in depth records review and possible maternal-fetal-medicine consultations. But prescription medications may not always mean you cannot plan a home birth. When in doubt, give us a call so we may get more specifics and give you a well informed answer!


Previous miscarriages or loss does not automatically eliminate your option of home birth either. As we review your records and find out more details about each pregnancy and baby, we can better establish what the best care and birthing choices are for your current pregnancy. We find that, more often than not, midwifery care can always remain an option.

We do our very best to provide outstanding, personalized care for everyone who comes into our practice. The truth is, unfortunately, that sometimes we are not the best fit or may not be able to provide the level of care you or baby may need. However, never assume your hopes for a birth at home are impossible. We believe in your ability to give birth! We are just a quick phone call or short email away - and would love to see if we can help with your birthing goals.

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