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Home Birth vs. Birth Center

Updated: Aug 12, 2023

Giving birth is a uniquely personal experience. While there are many choices to make, from who will care for you, which tests to take, which medication or supplements are right for you

and baby, maybe the most important decision you will make is where to give birth. If an out-of-hospital birth feels like the right choice for you and your growing family, you may find yourself wondering what the differences are between giving birth at home or going to a birthing center. Here are some of the advantages of choosing a home birth.

Firstly, you may not know that the midwives who work in birthing centers, are the same midwives that serve families planning to birth at home. Both receiving the same training and state licensure, carry the same medications and equipment to ensure the safety and care of their clients. When hiring our midwife team, you can rest assured that you will receive the same warm and personal care from early on in your pregnancy, to that final bittersweet postpartum visit. No surprises at who will show up at your birth, because it is a consistent two-midwife team guiding you throughout your journey.

Secondly, no driving! This may seem obvious, but home birth means that there is no rush. No need to pack a bag, worry that something important was left behind; concerns about leaving too early or too late don’t exist. You get to relax (or try to!) and know that your team is coming to you. Speaking of team, you also get to decide who is present at your birth. Who would you like to be with you? Would you like your older children, grandparents, doula, photographer, etc. with you? You get to decide who to invite to your birth space and how to set up your space that enhances your comfort as well as your ability to lean into your labor. Put up twinkly lights, birth affirmations, light candles or incense. This is your home - make your birth space a reflection of your intentions and desires!

Lastly, discharge after birth and postpartum are very different in a home birth setting versus birthing center. Let us repeat: no driving! No frightful first car ride with a tiny new human. You are home already, and likely, on your way to extra snuggles in bed. Not to mention, post birth showers are always amazing but at home in your own shower is extra nice! The team takes care to clean up after birth and though it may seem unbelievable, most traces of birth are gone before we leave, including laundering any towels, sheets, etc. that were used during birth. We all gather round for the newborn exam, typically performed in bed after everyone has eaten, cleaned up and is back to recover in bed. We spend a few hours with you post birth and only leave once we know you and baby are well and snuggled up, soaking in that newborn bliss.

It is our belief that you should birth where you feel safe and with the practice that feels like the perfect fit. We know that comes with many different choices and can sometimes be confusing. Interview different practices to decide which one aligns best with your philosophies. Be sure to ask questions to help you figure that out, most community midwifery practices offer free consultations, so be sure to take advantage! We are here to support you, guide you and care for you from start to finish - whether you choose to have a water birth in the kitchen, sway to music in your living room or have big sisters or brothers waiting and watching for their newest little friend!

Check out our very own, the lovely and amazing Ashleigh giving birth to her baby Royce at home, with midwife Erica by her side! *DISCLAIMER* Please have tissues at the ready, this one's a tear-jerker!

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