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Testimonial - A Comprehensive Review of Quality Care

Updated: May 24, 2023


For anyone worried about emergency transfers, first time home births, and if you are a skeptical husband - this is for you. (I organized sections by topics)

We transferred from a California midwifery and met with Erica and the difference was night and day. She was extremely down-to-earth, reliable, and just a wealth of resources and information. Clover Leaf felt like family, whereas all the rest felt like a business. We actually looked forward to our visits with her.


We just had to have a special section for Erica as we feel she went completely out of her way to provide exceptional care for my wife and new family. First things first, we love Erica! If this is your first time then you know all too well the fears and anxiety that may pop up every single day. Erica has a very grounded personality that will really help make you feel secure during the entire process. Mainly when you are afraid and you ask questions she doesn't flinch, and will guide you, hand in hand, through any fears, doubts, or concerns. If you worry easy Erica will be your rock. There is a long list of things we would like to say about Erica but we will sprinkle it throughout the rest of the review.


I get it, there are a lot of fears that come up. You want to make sure that you have the safest birth for your wife and child. The midwives at Clover Leaf literally know when it's time to transfer you miles ahead of when it will actually happen. So if they know that an emergency C-section will be needed, they don't wait until last minute. There are tell-tale signs where there is plenty of time to get you to the hospital for a C-section. These are professionals that picked a career they absolutely love. California midwives it felt like it was their job, the Midwives at Clover Leaf we felt it was their passion to care for us. When my wife hit 42 weeks it was recommended for her to get induced and Clover Leaf made sure we were set. They want what is best for the birth, child, and wife so they make sure that if something does not check out they will get you to where you need to.


For all the services they provide: home visits, consults, classes and delivering your child, the cost in comparison to the service is well worth it. Now what scratched the back of my mind was: is the service still worth it if you get transferred to the hospital as they will no longer be delivering your baby? This question was answered during our traumatic experience of C-section, surgery for obstructed bowel, and surgery for multiple ulcers (stomach filling up with blood). There was not much I could do at times to keep my wife's spirit up. It was Erica that went out of her way to call my wife and show up by her side at the hospital. Hospitals can be tough at times and you can feel outnumbered and alone. Having Erica there was just a very powerful foundation. Three surgeries in three weeks is tough already! Those really hard days my wife would have one phone call with Erica or one visit with her and she would feel so much better, and that is something that is priceless.

Not only that Erica extended our service and even paid for a trauma specialist. This is just above and beyond! We just really want to say thank you to Erica, she was just awesome.


For your wife it's an emotional journey and you are going to need professionals that are not only awesome at what they do but can help guide you emotionally through all the up's and down's. Clover Leaf provided the best quality care and service from the beginning to the end. My wife is healthy and happy and our baby came out perfect.

Thank you Clover Leaf, you were the most crucial factor in our sanity, choices, and happiness. We will be back!

~ M.S.

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