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We've Got it in the Bag!

Updated: May 24, 2023

Have you ever wondered what we bring to birth? What’s in our fancy VanVeer midwife bag? It’s a little like Mary Poppin’s bag - there's something for everyone!

For the Birthing Person: Blood pressure cuff, finger pulse oximeter, pitocin and misoprostil for post-delivery hemorrhaging, IV fluids as indicated for during and/or after delivery, antibiotics if indicated and desired, sutures for lacerations/tears under third degree and lidocaine for said sutures (we aren’t in the torture business!). And while we are very well equipped for the unexpected, most of these supplies are for those who may not experience a normal birth. These therapies may be recommended or utilized for someone who is not coping well, or having heavier than normal bleeding postpartum, etc.

For Sweet Baby: Fetal doppler, resusci-cradle (in the event we need to resuscitate baby),

oxygen, vitamin K (Phytonadione) to ensure baby’s blood clots efficiently, eye ointment (Erythromycin) to use when warranted, measuring tape & scale and pulse-oximeter so we may perform the congenital heart defect screen or assist monitoring baby’s well being after birth.

For Both: Contactless thermometer, stethoscope, etc. for assessing heart rate and vitals

For Us: Gloves, phone/timer, notebook, and hand sanitizer, laptop/tablet to chart records accurately and swiftly

What you can’t see: extensive training, dedication and care we bring to every visit and birth!

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1 Comment

Jul 11, 2022

I’ve been very curious and wondering for years what’s in that bag. I finally know 😂

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